The Page o' Awards
Okay, we of Bumderland didn't make up these awards. We thought about it, laughed, and decided not to do it.
See, I told you, Graham. Our site is "dope." (Shut-up, Matt, and stop using my name.) Anyway, not only are we "dope," we are a "must see" "dope" site. We received this award, ironically enough, on 4/20/99.
Wow! I knew we were funny. (It's all me. I, Graham, am the sole reason for these awards.) This award was received on 4/25/99. I don't know what's up with this award. I got an e-mail saying that I won it, but the picture doesn't exist...oh well...
This award goes to me, Matt, because I'm the guy who actually creates the HTML documents for which this award is given. (Shut-up, you self-centered dork.) This award was received on 4/25/99. I got an e-mail saying that I won it, but the picture doesn't exist...oh well...
Look at this: another award. I don't mean to brag--well, maybe I do--but it seems that we're doing a pretty good job. This award states that Bumderland is "worthy of recognition in design, creativity, concept, and presence." If 'twere not, we 'twould not 'twave received 'twis award on 2/27/2000. You know, we must be pretty good because we recieved this award again on 4/17/200.